Keeping guinea fowl in the run until after lunch may force the guinea hens to lay eggs indoors. Italians; pejorative slang term. 11. It is REALLY annoying. 8. Natural born camouflage! An empty nest will be abandoned. They range over about five acres to eat insects and seeds. 10. Guinea fowl have many charms but they are definitely not known for being good parents. If they see you take the eggs they will move the nest. How Guineas blend in with the trees in winter. While they do this, they are constantly calling, no, more like yelling. Guinea fowl are valued as one of the best exterminators of pest insects, making them a complement to a backyard garden. Guinea fowl are birds within the order of Galliformes, which also includes such birds as turkey, grouse, chickens, quail and pheasant, along with a few others. Guinea fowl have long been considered a prized game bird, right up there with pheasants and quail. Guinea fowl mothers tend to isolate their nest in the wild and savagely protect it from other birds, animals and even humans. Guinea fowl rarely id ever use a nest box, but those raised by chickens may do. The nests are extremely hard to find. Why do guinea fowl have spots? The most vile racial slur that can be used against an Italian-American.Refers to the Guinea Coast of Africa; using this slur is a very offensive way of implying that Italian-Americans are non-whites (something we tend to get very defensive about!!). They are native to Africa and the most common of the Guinea fowl, the “helmeted Guinea fowl” have been introduced in many other countries around the world including the US. We want to hear what you think about this article. We also saw a fox slinking off one day, which we attribute to the guinea fowl creating a ruckus. The reason why it was (still is) insulting is because it's (I'm only being honest here) implying that Italians (guess more so Sicilians) are mixed with African genes, specifically from the country Guinea. Check this post and see if you can spot the guinea fowl in the tree. The term Guinea was something that people would call Italians who came to the U.S. as an insult. Although only the pearl guineas have this great camouflage properties, there are almost 30 colors of guinea fowl! 7. This is the common guinea we find here in the USA, and it displays grey body plumage sprinkled with small, white spots. The guinea fowl are never locked up they roost on a perch, that runs along the top of the chicken yard and never show any aggression toward the chickens. When any stranger, be it animal, plant or human, comes onto the property, they go nuts, and scream like crazy. The helmeted or domesticated guinea hen is a larger species than other guineas. They dominate their mothers and will hang out with them for months longer than their own chickens would. This domesticated Guinea does not fly well, but is very apt at running and they are very fast. Submit a letter to the editor or write to This particular guinea fowl weighs almost 3 lbs. I now have 13 guinea Fowl reared over about twelve months by Cochin Bantams. We raised this set of 6 by hand, and they have become so bonded to us that they follow any member of the family everywhere around the property. They have guinea fowl now as well as chickens and the tick problem is almost non existent. 9. It’s a bit vague, sure, but it certainly beats guinea-fowl-rooster-peacock. Whilst caring for the eggs Guinea fowl are dedicated and caring parents committed to … Understandably, the Egyptians considered the guinea fowl …