Suddenly, Prospero recalls Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo 's conspiracy to kill him. Life, especially of the drunken and debauched variety, could continue there without fear. antonio. With what does prospero chase after the new guest? What is the purpose of the epilogue? Catholics must resist being like Prospero, shutting out the reality of death with smug self-assurance. answer choices . The end that Poe envisions at the end of the story is … a dagger. ... it is the room where Prince Prospero wears the masque of the Red Death. sebastian. But being in lockdown doesn’t mean the end of empathy in times of pandemic. He notes that Prospero s masque is a reverse one: in the typical Jonsonian structure of masques, the antagonists antimasque must be vanquished before the revels can proceed to enhance the serene triumph in the virtues made visible at the end. He calls an abrupt end to the festivities and the spirits vanish. The masque of the coronavirus haunts the locked castles of the world. The take-home message is "death conquers all." In the last two acts, we come to embrace Prospero as a more likable and sympathetic character. botswain. Prospero's holdout was life's last holdout. 3) In this final scene, what does Prospero do to his enemies? Why does Prospero vow to destroy his staff and book? ariel. ... Ariel will set Caliban free when he has served Prospero faithfully and at the end of the play. At the beginning of the story, the Red Death was all over Prospero's kingdom, but Prospero himself fled and created a place that was supposedly safe from death. Why does Prospero suddenly end the masque? in this room a strange voice can be heard whose origins no one can trace. 400. Ferdinand is unsettled by Prospero's change in demeanor. His love for Miranda, ability to forgive his enemies, and the true happy ending he creates all coalesce to mitigate the undesirable actions he undertook along the way. Throughout Poe's short story "The Masque of the Red Death," Prince Prospero is portrayed as a wealthy, arrogant, selfish man who believes he can overcome and outlast the … gonzalo. In “The Masque of the Red Death,” the characters do not cost too much for the pleasure of the world. It begins at sundown and does not end until the ebony clock strikes. Name all characters in act 1. miranda. “The Masque of the Red Death” (originally published as “The Mask of the Red Death: A Fantasy”) is a short story by American writer Edgar Allan Poe, first published in 1842. The story follows Prince Prospero’s attempts to avoid a dangerous plague, known as the Red Death, by hiding in his abbey. Prospero's Last Impression . However, unlike Jesus Christ, instead of choosing the sinners among the partygoers, the Red Death kills everyone. antonio) 500. Prospero discovers the proper use of white magic for political purposes in the Tempest and the masque; such a use places him virtuously between the vices of the goetic magic of Sycorax and the Machiavellism of Antonio in a reaffirmation of the kind of therapeutic providence that I discussed in my presentation in September 2015. Prospero’s attitude and behavior ultimately result in him and his cohorts meeting their sudden end, despite their best efforts, proving that all men are … an apology. he is reminded of Caliban's plot and ends it. prospero. ... Prospero ends the masque because he remembers that Caliban tried to kill him. forgives them for their evils (esp.