Suggested Fruitless Olive Trees for the Home Landscape 'Majestic Beauty': Most reliably non-fruiting. 'Wilsonii': Beautiful, hardy trees, but may produce enough fruits to be noticeable. 'Swan Hill': Rarely produces fruits and is also pollen-free. Fruitless Olive trees crave full sun and are able to tolerate poor, stony, shallow soils so you can plant this tree on a variety of landscape styles. Archaeological evidence … At maturity, this variety can reach 35 feet in height but is drought intolerant. This low-fruiting olive tree has slender, greyish-green foliage with a silvery underside. Bark is pale grey in colour and although this variety does produce white flowers in spring, they are generally sterile and so will produce very little fruit. Olea europaea 'Wilson' Std • Mature Height: 20' • Mature Width: 20' • Light Requirements: Full sun • Water Requirements: Deep infrequent water • Fertilizers: Dr. Q's Tree, Shrub & Vine Food… The popular fruitless varieties ‘Swan Hill’, ‘Majestic Beauty’, and ‘Wilsonii’, are available in local garden centers. Swan Hill. The ‘Swan Hill’ fruitless olive grows and looks like a normal fruiting olive but does not produce the messy fruit. Versatile in the landscape, it can be trained as shade tree, low branching screen or hedge. It can live for more than 150 years, has light gray, scaly bark and ovate gray-green leaves. If left unpruned, it can grow as tall as it does wide. Since the tree doesn’t expend energy making fruit, it grows a little faster than fruiting olive trees and can reach 30 feet tall and spread its leafy canopy up to 35 feet in only 15 years. It is a relatively slow grower which responds well to pruning. 'Little Ollie' and 'Skylark Dwarf': … Since the tree doesn’t expend energy making fruit, it grows a little faster than fruiting olive trees and can reach 30 feet tall and spread its leafy canopy up to 35 feet in only 15 years. Native to the Mediterranean, it is ideally suited to thrive in hot arid conditions. The species provides a Mediterranean feel and presentation in the landscape. Wilson Fruitless Olive is a popular, easy-to-grow tree that forms an airy cloud shaped canopy of small narrow evergreen leaves. U.S. olive trees, fruiting and fruitless, descended from Mediterranean olives (Olea europaea). Use the olive as a specimen tree or shade tree, or mixed with deep green or evergreen plants in the foreground. Non-Fruiting Olive Trees. With very little water requirements once established, this resilient medium-sized tree can grow with a widespread, making this a great tree for use as a canopy tree for shade or as a silhouette against structures, bringing shade to sun-facing rooms. The Swan Hill olive is the most popular variety of fruitless olive tree. ‘Swan Hill’ Fruitless Olive The ‘Swan Hill’ fruitless olive grows and looks like a normal fruiting olive but does not produce the messy fruit.