Work Sharp's Original Knife and Tool Sharpener is powered by premium abrasives, engineered specifically for every stage of sharpening with the Knife and Tool Sharpener from complete restoration to applying a mirror finish on your edges. Micro-surface has some that fit the WSKO but I'm not sure which ones will match my current belts. First thoughts are that the belts are very similar to the belts that Work Sharp provided with the tool. Look for: Work Sharp WSSAKO81115 Blade Grinder Attachment Replacement Belt Kit. I use the X-65, X-22 and X-4 the most but work sharp belts come in a 5-pack and don't really need the 2 other belts. Direct Replacement Abrasive Belt kit for the Work Sharp Knife & Tool Sharpener Ken Onion Edition (WSKTS-KO). If you examine the belts carefully, it looks very similar to the Ken Onion belts but it is 1″ x 18″. Kit includes (1) P120 Extra Coarse Grit Norton Ceramic Belt, (1) X65 Coarse Grit Norton Norax 65 Micron Belt (1) X22 Medium Grit Norton Norax 22 Micron Belt, (1) X4 Fine Grit Norton Norax 4 Micron Belt and (1) 6000 Extra Fine Grit SiC Micro Mesh belt . MX means micromesh ,AO means aluminum oxide, and WS means Work Sharp factory belts. I would like to get some spare belts for my work sharp ken onion edition sharpener. Replacement abrasive belt assortment for the Ken Onion Edition Work Sharp Knife & Tool Sharpener (WSKTS-KO) only.. Not suitable for use with other brands / models. Ken Onion belts are ¾” x 12″. *Requires the Ken Onion Knife & Tool … Ken Onion states that three of the included belts (the X65, X22 and X4) are pro-level Norton Norax belts, the same belts he uses on his big machines. The original blade grinder replacement belt is also available on Amazon. The Work Sharp Blade Grinding Attachment is designed for use with the Work Sharp Ken Onion Edition Knife & Tool Sharpener, adding enhanced sharpening control and surface area for the ultimate knife sharpening experience. The Ken Onion Edition of the sharpener includes 5 different belts, one belt of each grit (P120, X65, X22, X4 and 6000). MX 240, 320, 400, 600, 800, and 1200 and AO2400, 4000, and 12,000. What's in the box. Do not use the wrong belt. Includes 1 of each belt: P120 Extra Coarse Grit, 3/4" x 12" Belt size is 1/2″ x 12".