This is the picture of what is believed to be the biggest freshwater fish ever caught on rod and line, measuring in at over 12ft long and estimated to have weighed over 1,100lb. Atlantic Sturgeon 368,00 ... Lake Sturgeon 140,61 ... World Records Freshwater Fishing by Heinz Machacek is licensed under a Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs … The folder in the IGFA's Record Department designated Mabry Harper's world record walleye is chock-full of articles and letters related to the controversy that has followed this catch over the past half century. All fish must be caught per IGFA rules. Eiden reportedly already has a place in his home ready to mount the record-breaking fish. Fishing World Records Fisherman's View welcome you to the Fishing World Records. So enjoy your visit at the Freshwater World Records. Records and photos of the 500 largest freshwater fishes worldwide. Our Fishing World Records are official world record fish. Search for the biggest fish in the International Game Fish Association's database of biggest fish for each species. Fishing World Records. The first database that includes all large freshwater fish worldwide! July 20, 2012 – Chilliwack, BC — In June 2009, a retired couple from Salisbury, England flew to Canada and fished on the Fraser River with a BC fish guide charter company for two days. Lake sturgeon grow larger and live longer than any other fish in the state. We have the world records for all the types fish in fresh water. Plus we have the world records for the fish in Freshwater and in Saltwater. Freshwater World Records For Fish Fishing Guides Fisherman's View welcome you to the Freshwater World Records For Fish. They returned three years later. Use the search form above to find fishing world records for freshwater fish, saltwater fish, and more. Walleye -- Mabry Harper, Old Hickory Lake. This was a Kaluga sturgeon, which is the largest variety of sturgeon. We have the world records for all the fish. Official and informal world records of freshwater fishes. So enjoy your visit at the Fishing World Records. It has been more than 50 years since Harper pulled his 11.34 kg (25 pound) walleye from Old Hickory Lake, near his home in Tennessee on … They caught a five foot sturgeon and they were hooked. Females live longer than males; 97% of all sturgeon over 30 years old are females. They dreamed of returning to do it again. Our Fishing World Records are official world record fish caught in freshwater. An 82‐year‐old caught in Lake Winnebago in 1953 is on record as the oldest lake sturgeon in Wisconsin—a mere