FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS $119 FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS $119 Menu. Flowering trees add a pop of color to your landscape or garden. One good and very useful starting point is hardiness zone. Use these trees to add spring blooms to your yard, for their gorgeous scents, and to attract pollinators like bees and hummingbirds. Flowering trees and zone 8 go together like peanut butter and jelly. Best Trees to Plant Near a House These trees make the list because of their non-invasive roots or low-maintenance cleanup. The spicy-smelling flowers with elongated yellow or orange petals stay on the tree for up to a month. Dogwood is a classic spring bloom, but there are a lot of cultivars you may not have heard of, including Venus. Crepe myrtle comes in a variety of sizes, from miniature to full size. Carolina silverbell trees also make a good companion plant for rhododendron and azalea shrubs. Crape myrtle. Keep reading to learn more about growing trees in zone 8 landscapes and some common zone 8 trees. Carolina silverbell. Several varieties of juniper will grow well in zone 8 and this is a pretty accent tree. This list includes both broad families (like maples, most of which will grow in zone 8) and narrow species (like honey locust): Zone 8 is a slightly tricky spot for fruit production. Southern magnolia. For a fast-growing tree that also flowers in zone 8, try the royal empress. Plus, it helps that they’re all beautiful trees! This tree produces exceptionally large and stunning flowers, up to six inches (15 cm.) Top quality garden products delivered! The flowers bloom … If you’re lucky enough to live somewhere warm enough to grow a southern magnolia tree, you can’t beat it. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Buying a tree is a much bigger investment than a small plant, and there are so many variables it can be hard to decide where to begin. Here are some of the most popular evergreen trees for zone 8 landscapes: Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Cancel Need Help? Royal empress. The glossy green leaves alone are pretty enough, but you also get beautiful, creamy white flowers in spring and throughout the summer. You get a nice, long growing season with plenty of warmth and mild winters that don’t get too cold. Zone 8 is the perfect climate for this popular landscaping tree. With a sunny, hot yard in zone 8, you want trees to provide shade and cool spots. Leyland Cypress Diseases: Treating Disease In Leyland Cypress Trees, Apple Chilling Info: How Many Chill Hours Do Apples Need, Prickly Kale Leaves – Does Kale Have Thorns, Corn Husk Wreath Ideas: How To Make A Corn Husk Wreath, DIY Air Plant Wreaths: Wreath Making With Air Plants, What Are Staghorn Fern Pups: Should I Remove Staghorn Pups, Thigmomorphogenesis Info: Why Should I Tickle My Plants, Sphagnum Moss Vs. Sphagnum Peat Moss: Are Sphagnum Moss And Peat Moss The Same, Durum Wheat Information: Tips On Growing Durum Wheat At Home, Thanksgiving Tradition: Turning Homegrown Pumpkins Into Pie, Growing Thanksgiving Dinner – Must Have Turkey Side Dishes, Interesting Uses For Pecans: What To Do With Pecans, The Bountiful Garden: Bringing The Garden To Thanksgiving. Zone 8 is a pretty great climate for gardening. The range is so big, in fact, that it’s impossible to cover every species. Flowering Trees. Evergreen Shade Trees. Zone 8 Trees for Sun. There are so many flowering zone 8 trees that you will be able to choose whichever varieties you want based on color, size, and other factors. This list includes both broad families (like maples, most of which will grow in zone 8) and narrow species (like honey locust): Beech Birch Flowering Cherry Maple Oak Redbud Crape Myrtle Sassafras Weeping Willow Dogwood Poplar Ironwood Honey Locust Tulip Tree While one or two varieties of most fruits can be grown in zone 8, these fruit and nut trees for zone 8 are the most reliable and common: Evergreen trees are popular for their year round color and often distinctive, sappy fragrance. This is a truly unique option. It’s a little too cold for a lot of citrus trees, but the winters are a little too mild to get adequate chill hours for apples and many stone fruits. This is another popular, sun-loving shrub or small tree that produces showy flowers. Hand selected flowering trees for the growing zone 8. With an average minimum winter temperature between 10 and 20 F. (-12 and -7 C.), USDA zone 8 can’t support trees that are frost sensitive. For a fast-growing tree that also flowers in zone 8, try the royal empress. If you’re in zone 8, you have a lot of options for growing flowering trees, and doing so is easy. Juniper. This is a great choice for getting quick shade and for pretty lavender flowers that burst forth each spring. This tree will grow to 25 or 30 feet (8 or 9 m.) and produce pretty, white, bell-shaped flowers in great profusion in the spring. This warm, mild climate is perfect for so many trees that flower in zone 8. The small crape myrtle tree produces clusters of bright flowers in the summer, and they will linger into the fall. Zone 8 is the perfect climate for this popular landscaping tree. These large shrubs or small trees bloom at varying times in the fall, winter, and early spring. Here is a selection of common zone 8 trees, separated into broad categories: Deciduous trees are extremely popular in zone 8. The small crape myrtle tree produces clusters of bright flowers in the summer, and they will linger into the fall. What Is A Sassafras Tree: Where Do Sassafras Trees Grow? across. They are … A native plant, American fringe produces fuzzy white flowers later in the spring as well as red berries that will attract birds. Sign up for our newsletter. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! American fringe tree. Kousa dogwood* (Zones 5-8): A 20-to-30-foot tree that’s draped in snow-white or rosy-pink flowers; Lollipop crabapple (Zones 3-8): A 10-to-15-foot tree with a slender spread of bushy, white flowers; Cornelian cherry dogwood* (Zones 4-8): A slow-growing tree that reaches 25 feet and displays clusters of yellow flowers in very early spring Paulownia Seed Propagation: Tips On Growing Royal Empress From Seed, Types Of Peanut Plants: Learn About Different Varieties Of Peanut, Prickly Kale Leaves – Does Kale Have Thorns, Corn Husk Wreath Ideas: How To Make A Corn Husk Wreath, DIY Air Plant Wreaths: Wreath Making With Air Plants, Tree Budding Info: What Is Budding Propagation, Popular Wedding Favor Trees – Using Trees As Wedding Favors, What Is Armored Scale: Identifying Armored Scale Insects On Plants, Growing Deutzia Plants: A Guide To Deutzia Plant Care, Thanksgiving Tradition: Turning Homegrown Pumpkins Into Pie, Growing Thanksgiving Dinner – Must Have Turkey Side Dishes, Interesting Uses For Pecans: What To Do With Pecans, The Bountiful Garden: Bringing The Garden To Thanksgiving. Be sure that you do your research on what the zone 8 flowering tree varieties that you choose need to thrive: the right amount of sun or shade, the best kind of soil, sheltered or open space, and the level of drought tolerance. Crape myrtle. Royal empress. Here are some notable examples of flowering trees that thrive in zone 8: Venus dogwood. Growing in Zones 7 through 9, the China fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) is an … It can, however, support a huge range of cold hardy trees.