Exfoliating is a way of removing acne blockages that have already formed within your hair follicles, such as whiteheads and blackheads. AHA stands for alpha-hydroxy acid. Alpha hydroxy acid, also called AHA, is a type of acid derived from a natural source, such as citric or lactic acid. α-Hydroxy acids, or alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), are a class of chemical compounds that consist of a carboxylic acid substituted with a hydroxyl group on the adjacent carbon. Alpha-hydroxy acids, such as glycolic and lactobionic acid, are chemical exfoliators. Although they are called acids they are not to be confused with strong industrial acids such as hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid. Please send your comments before 15 September 2000 at the following e-mail address : Antoon.van-elst@cec.eu.int. Home exfoliating products, such as lotions or cleaners, use AHA to rejuvenate and freshen skin. It is also a way of removing trapped skin cells, oil, cosmetics and other follicle-blocking substances from your skin, reducing your risk of developing acne in the future. Alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) are naturally-occurring compounds possessing unparalleled benefits to the skin and extensively used in a dermatologist’s office. Alpha Hydroxy acids (AHA’s) are a class of chemical compounds that occur naturally in fruits, milk, and sugar cane. More commonly known as AHAs, alpha hydroxy acids are water-soluble acids that work on the surface of the skin. They are most renowned for their ability to exfoliate the skin for a smoother texture and brighter finish. AHAs are popular in skincare products, often found in serums, masks, toners, and cleansers. Glycolic acid is an AHA derived from sugar cane. AHAs are well known for their use in the cosmetics industry. This type of exfoliant is water-soluble, and works on the surface of the skin. They may be either naturally occurring or synthetic. POSITION PAPER CONCERNING THE SAFETY OF ALPHA-HYDROXY ACIDS Adopted by the SCCNFP … SCCNFP/0370/00, final The safety of alpha-Hydroxy acids _____ 2 THE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON COSMETIC PRODUCTS AND NON-FOOD PRODUCTS INTENDED FOR CONSUMERS. α-Hydroxy acids, or alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), are a class of chemical compounds that consist of a carboxylic acid substituted with a hydroxyl group on the adjacent carbon. Most AHAs are non-toxic and are often present in food and fruits, thus also known as fruit acids. What is AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid)? "I would normally recommend for normal to dry, sun-damaged skin, as they can boost natural moisturising factors," advises Thomas. AHAs are well known for their use in the cosmetics industry. They may be naturally occurring or synthetic. It is a class of chemical exfoliants that includes glycolic acid, lactic acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, and some forms of citric acid. In terms of specific skin issues, AHAs are …