They grow quickly and tend to showcase white, silver or even sometimes a bark with a slight pinkish tinge. The leaves range in shape and size: some deeply cut, others finely toothed, but all have a strong autumn colour. Tolerant of a range of temperatures, it grows as far south as Spain and as far north as Lapland. It has distinctive salmon-pink to reddish-brown bark that exfoliates to reveal lighter inner bark providing year round interest in the landscape. Birch trees have separate male and female flowers, that is, they are monoecious. Yellow-green catkins appear in spring and the delicate bright green leaves turn a soft yellow in autumn. B irch trees come in many 'flavours', but two are relatively common in the UK - Silver (Betula pendula) and Downy (Betula pubescens). Whilst Betula are mostly known for having white bark, we also offer newer varieties with blush, ginger, cream and red coloured bark. Whilst the popularity of Birch trees is due to their attractive exfoliating bark that comes in a variety of shades, they also boast many other features. Chinese varieties are slower growing so they tend to be most suitable for smaller gardens/situations, but recently several cultivars of Himalayan Birch have been selected for their smaller size too. Birch species readily hybridise. This site uses cookies to provide and improve your shopping experience. Betula is the Latin name for this hardwood deciduous genus. River birch is an increasingly popular, fast-growing tree for the home landscape. Dried pieces of bark are excellent for lighting a campfire. The bark is usually bright in colour, from red on very young stems to becoming white/silver with age. © 2020 Woodland Investment Management Ltd | Fragrant Birch twigs are used in saunas and spas to help relax the muscles. It takes them time to develop the bark colour, but we offer some varieties specially bred to develop it at an earlier age. The leaves have a petiole or leaf stalk. Birch trees are particularly associated with specific fungi, including fly agaric, woolly milk cap, birch milk cap, birch brittlegill, birch knight, chanterelle and the birch polypore (razor strop). Himalayan Birch (Betula jacquemontii) trees are one of the most popular trees currently available in the UK. The bark features horizontal lines called 'lenticels'. Whilst Betula are mostly known for having white bark, we also offer newer varieties with blush, ginger, cream and red coloured bark. In Celtic folklore Birch trees represent growth, renewal and initiation. Silver birch is a popular garden tree and often hybridises with our other native birch, the downy birch, Betula pubescens, which is more common in Scotland. The flowers appear at the same time as the new leaves in the spring. These contain hundreds of minute seeds, which are dispersed on the wind. Birch trees, or Betula trees to use their Latin name, are favoured for their light, airy foliage and beautifully coloured peeling bark. Extracts are also used in cosmetics, e.g. Birch cast light shade and this is what makes them an ideal choice for those who wish to grow other plants and trees below them. Simple leaf that is roughly triangular with rounded corners and a leaf margin that is quite toothed (serrated). Mature Himalayan Birch Trees | Betula utilis jacquemontii, Mature Japanese Maple Trees | Acer palmatum, Mature Rowan Trees | Sorbus | Mountain Ash, Join Our Online Newsletter For The Latest News & Updates. Their bark tends to come in hues of silver (Betula pendula), white (Betula papyrifera) or sometimes pinkish white (Betula utilis jacquemontii). You are here: Home > Blog > A Guide to Tree Identification > Birch. You can gently wash down (cool water) the bark to remove accumulated grime. The pollinated female flowers elongate and form hanging catkins. As a family, they are fast growing, and do well on both poor soils and damp sites as long as they are sunny. Blog powered by WordPress, Woods for sale for conservation and enjoyment. Catkins appear with the tree's new leaves in spring and the airy foliage creates lovely dappled shade, taking on pretty pale yellow colours in autumn. The dwarf birch (Betula nana) can be found in the Highlands of Scotland. Himalayan varieties (Betula utilis) are renowned for their white bark, whilst the native Silver Birch (Betula penduls) is often referred to as The Watchful Tree due to the eye-like impressions on the bark. It thrives in dry woodlands, downs and heaths. It may grow either as a single-trunk tree or a multi-trunk clumping tree. The leaves of the downy birch are rounder in shape than those of silver birch. Birch wood also makes great firewood, it does not pop when burning and will ignite even when wet due to the oils in the bark. The pollen can be a problem to hay fever sufferers. The wood has many uses, from when North American Indians used it for making lightweight canoes to nowadays when it is commonly used to build waterproof roofs on houses in Scandinavia. The Czech word for the month of March is Brezen (Birch) as Birch trees flower during March under the local conditions. In the past, bundles of birch twigs were used for corporal punishment. The wood contains an oil which makes it resistant to decay and so an ideal building material. Himalayan Birch is often planted in a group that can eventually form one canopy, an important architectural landscape tree. The bark is characterised by the long, horizontal lenticels (for gas exchange). The leaves of silver birch are more noticeably serrated - even the teeth may have teeth! Female flowers are upright and between 1 and 2cm tall. shampoos and soaps. Contact us | Some say that planting in full sun helps keep the bark colours bright (by producing botulin which gives the trees their chalky white bloom). (1 customer review) £24.75 – £55.00 The Silver Birch Tree is a fast-growing slender tree with hanging branches and silver-white bark. Amongst the most hardy of trees and with an ability to thrive in many situations, Birches are pretty easy to grow in any reasonably fertile, well drained soil (although River Birch is excellent in damp but not waterlogged soil). They are relatively short lived trees, which are quick to colonise open areas: they are a pioneer species. GB 133 4164 42. Betula Jacquemontii has a brilliant white, peeling bark that can light up the garden throughout the winter months. Birch leaves are a source of food for various butterflies. When mature these trees can reach 30m in height. Birch sap is used to make a traditional drink in parts of China, Russia and Northern Europe. After the last Ice Age, they were amongst the first species to colonise the UK. The buds are quite prominent on the slender twigs and may be sticky. Woodpeckers and other hole-nesting birds often nest in the trunk, while the seeds are eaten by siskins, greenfinches and redpolls. It then develops dark grey/black ‘arrows and diamonds’ or horizontal streaks of grey in the case of downy birch. Birch trees, or Betula trees to use their Latin name, are favoured for their light, airy foliage and beautifully coloured peeling bark. Aside from the ornamental bark, birch trees hold a distinctly elegant form – often with open canopies – some upright and tall, yet others pendant and arching. Birch trees come in many 'flavours', but two are relatively common in the UK - Silver (Betula pendula) and Downy (Betula pubescens). IF YOU KNOW THE NAME OF THE VARIETY OF TREE, PLEASE USE THE SEARCH BOX ABOVE. They need sun or dappled shade and ideally some protection from cold winds and it's sensible not to plant in a frost pocket. The young twigs of downy birch have small hairs, whereas the silver birch twigs have small white wart like structures. If you want to benefit from this improved service, please opt-in.. © 2020 Ornamental Trees Ltd. All Rights Reserved. The dwarf birch (Betula nana) can be found in the Highlands of Scotland.

birch tree uk

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