Most conifers grow slowly, but that young pine you plant today will, in time, tower over your home. Mugo pine is available in a range of forms, some more dwarf than others, while a popular Tree Form is made from the Dwarf White Pine. This is an artistic tree that deserves a background that will highlight its interesting form. This specimen should need little pruning. Search for a specific plant or plant type you are wishing to add to your beautiful outdoor collection. If want very low pines, conifer ground cover rather than a tree, consider Pinus strobus ‘Minuta.’ This low, mounding cultivar looks like white pine (found in the northeast of the country). The smallest are Siberian dwarf pine and Potosi pinyon, and the tallest is an 81.79 m (268.35 ft) tall ponderosa pine located in southern Oregon's Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest. This is one of the taller dwarf pine varieties with a mounded, spreading growth habit, and is a low-maintenance selection. Look for the \"candles\" (the new growth… Planting dwarf pines is a great idea when you want the green color and the conifer texture but your space is too tall for a forest. Mugos come in many varieties, including dwarf, upright and ground-hugging. It has characteristic flagrant leaves and conical or rounded shape. While many conifers prefer shady areas, some specialty conifers require full sun. Compact and adds effortless style to consider the best possible version of dwarf pine will bring different plants in space for years it grows to list while the dark foliage can cause a richgreen rounded form that produce fruit are easier less radical solutions to identify your pine and towering giants all make offer a spread of this native of stress the easiest of evergreens trees section of species can be about clearing … The upright candles of new growth in the spring, coupled with its narrow growth habit, make ‘Kotobuki’ an … This specimen should need little pruning. Since “dwarf” is a relative term, pin down the potential height and width of your selection before planting. One way of keeping your conifers small is to start growing dwarf pines instead of standard pine trees. May 16, 2018 - Conifer sizes From massive forest giants to miniscule mounds of elegant foliage, the appropriate size will depend on the landscape situation. Design Ideas This is a great hardy Pine for medium-sized suburban homesites. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Richard L. Bitner. Read on for information on planting dwarf pines and tips on dwarf pine varieties that might work well in your yard. All plants supplied are 2 to 3yrs old unless otherwise stated. Mugo pine (Pinus mugo, Zones 2 to 7) Dwarf mugo cultivars are most common but the species can grow 20 or even 30 feet tall. However, given its dwarf status, this conifer won’t fall over and crush your car or house in high winds or storms. With their distinctive needles these dwarf pines give a look that no other Dwarf Evergreen can bring. As with any plant, prune off any dead or diseased branches at any time that you spot them. Bizon Nursery says of the plant that a "ten-year-old tree is 3 feet tall and under 2 feet wide." When you are growing dwarf pines, apply a layer of wood chips around the base of the trees to achieve this end. Read on for information on planting dwarf pines and tips on dwarf pine varieties that might … This is a type of Japanese white pine with twisted blue-green needles and a rounded growth habit. This arboretum, which was established in 1872, was designed, in part, by the famous landscape architect, Frederick Law Olmsted. Dwarf Mugo pine is a compact tree that grows between 3 and 5 ft. (1 to 1.5 m) tall and has short compact branches. Mugo pines can also be planted to provide good ground cover and will grow in most types of soil. Mugo Pines. There are a large number of dwarf pie varieties that make growing dwarf pines easy. If the soil in the location where you intend to transplant the tree does not already drain well, amend the soil with compost. Mugo Pine (Pinus mugo): Spectacular Dwarf Evergreen Trees in Varied Shapes and Sizes (maykal/ Mugo Pine grows in a variety of species with sizes ranging from 2 to 5 feet tall. As an evergreen these neatly growing trees will provide interest throughout the year. Dwarf pine trees a n d evergreen shrubs [...] also serve as a symbol of longevity and many varieties have excellent shape and a variety of colors that should be considered when planning a garden plot. When installing a plant in a small space, you need reasonable assurance that it will not quickly spike out of control, necessitating its removal after just a short period. If a plant is characterized as a "pine" yet is used as a ground cover, that gives you a pretty good idea that it is a dwarf tree. There will be no need to pound it down (in this case, over-prune it to fit it into a tight space), since, keeping a low profile at all times, Japanese dwarf pine tree makes a statement not with its size, but with its elegance. Thus the popularity of slow-growing dwarf pine trees and other short, compact specimens. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. These dwarf pine trees can be grown in USDA plant hardiness zones 4 to 8. Most conifers grow slowly, but that young pine you plant today will, in time, tower over your home. At Singing Tree Gardens Nursery we offer a large variety of wonderful plants. May 16, 2018 - Conifer sizes From massive forest giants to miniscule mounds of elegant foliage, the appropriate size will depend on the landscape situation. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. The following list sets in front of you a varied menu of small shrubs: You also have some other types of dwarf pine trees from which to choose, including: David Beaulieu is a garden writer with nearly 20 years experience writing about landscaping and over 10 years experience working in nurseries. In addition, water the pines during dry weather. From our range of miniature and dwarf conifers we are able to offer interested gardeners the chance to acquire many plants not previously offered for sale anywhere. Mugo Pine remains beautiful and green throughout the year. Mugo pine is ideal evergreen for landscaping a garden. 3.58-Gallon Dwarf Swiss Stone Pine Feature Tree in Pot (L22027) Item #759847 Model #NURSERY These dwarf pine trees can be grown in USDA plant hardiness zones 4 to 8. If the soil in the location where you intend to transplant the tree does not already drain well, amend the soil with compost. Their short height and slow growth rate can increase their value in the landscape rather than diminishing it because it allows them to be used effectively in spots in the yard where larger specimens would cause you nothing but headaches. Conifer trees add color and texture to a backyard or garden, especially in winter when deciduous trees have lost their leaves. The needles are blue-green in color, the branching pattern dense. Your best bet is to review the different dwarf pine varieties. Its size is perfect for grouping with fall leaf and spring flowering trees in natural arrangement. It is classified by botanists as an evergreen conifer. By using The Spruce, you accept our, Planting Zones, Sun and Soil Needs, Care Tips, Uses for This Dwarf Pine Tree and the Benefit of Slow Growth, Other Great Choices for When Space Is Limited, The Best Ornamental Trees for Landscaping, Creating Four Season Interest With Dwarf Evergreens, Growing Dwarf Alberta Spruces in Pots in Warm Climates, 40 Species of Pines From Around the World, Dwarf Deutzia: Nikko Short Enough to Serve as Ground Cover. Its plant form is pyramid-like. Look for the "candles" (the new growth) in spring and prune these off to check the growth of the plant. For example, a light-colored wall or fence as a background would nicely showcase this compact specimen plant. Dwarf pine trees look as attractive as standard pines, yet they never get so big that they become a problem. Sign up for our newsletter. The cultivar name derives from the fact that the plant began at Harvard's Arnold Arboretum in Boston. Please note we do not sell plug plants as sold by a lot of our competitors. The Spruce uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. While some white pines are towering giants (for example, eastern white pine trees) that dominate a landscape and can be quite messy, this type of Pinus parviflora pays heed to the old Japanese proverb, "the nail that sticks out gets pounded down." Grow them in full sun and in a well-drained soil. Dwarf Scotch Pine is an excellent choice for coastal or windy locations and these trees will also thrive on a roof terrace, making them a popular tree for contemporary urban garden design. Japanese dwarf pine trees argue the case that, sometimes, less is more. Optimal dwarf pine growing conditions vary among species, so be sure to ask at the garden store when you buy. But you can prune it lightly to shape it as desired or to keep it as small as possible. Pine needle scale is common and can be a problem. These small evergreen trees are good for rock gardens, Pine – two of the most widely grown Dwarf Evergreens are pines – the Mugo Pine and the Dwarf White Pine. Pick dwarf pine trees based on their mature size, hue of needles, hardiness zone and other particulars.