It also has rocky and icy layers deep below but its atmosphere is mostly made up of hydrogen, methane, and helium. Facts about Uranus for Kids: Uranus has the coldest temperatures of all of the planets, hitting as low as -224 degrees C. Uranus has a tilted axis and it’s thought that a collision with another large celestial object was the cause of it. Uranus is about four times bigger than Earth. Uranus is the only planet named after a Greek god rather than a Roman god. Fact #15. Today we are going to talk about one … Tag: fun facts about uranus for kids. Uranus cannot support life because there is no oxygen. Like the other gas giants, it has a hydrogen upper … Prior to Herschel, Uranus was thought to be a star. It also gets its characteristic blue colour from the methane gas. If you know some interesting facts about this planet, do share with us in the comments section! The other two planets that have official discoverers and required discoveries are Neptune and Pluto. Its odd rotation tilt makes it have extremely long seasons. Herscal tried to have his discovery named “Georgian Sidus” after King George III. High power telescopes have revealed incredible squalls that pass underneath its blue cover and it is thought they are similar to the ones on Jupiter. Uranus Has A Lot Of Ice.