Make any necessary alterations on the tracing paper for a custom fit. Use a pencil (or even a pen) to trace the drawing onto the working surface. Choose a tracing paper that is a distinctly different color than your fabric, otherwise your won't be able to see your work! More importantly, no one can create the vision that you see inside your head - so it's up to you to put that brush to canvas and show the world what you see! One warning: it is easy to create smudges on your paper where you don’t want them. Carefully use your tracing wheel to mark along the pattern. 3. Trace over the original pattern along the pattern marking lines underneath. A sheet of graphite paper can be used many times over so one sheet goes a long way. When you’re finished tracing, simply remove the drawing and graphite paper. As you trace, brush strokes appear at 50% opacity. Lift off the tracing paper and cut out with scissors. If you make a mistake, the tracing paper can be wiped off. Place it colored side down against your fabric and under the pattern. To use Tracing Paper, the source and clone documents must be the same size. Tape the tracing paper onto the pattern at the corners. When Tracing Paper is in use, you see a faded-out version of the clone source, as if it were displayed under real tracing paper on top of a light box. Use wax-free tracing paper to make sewing patterns. You will use a ballpoint pen (ideally one with no ink in case you puncture the tracing paper as you work) or a stylus. Anyone can use graphite paper to "trace" an image, but what happens after that (and even the tracing itself) depends upon the skill level of the artist. Lay out the original pattern onto a table. I use tracing paper vs another type of paper for two reasons. How to use transfer paper: First, it is thin enough that it works very very well with the transfer paper. I prefer the white transfer paper from Loew Cornell.