They are all in the same ballpark of meaning but not exactly the same thing. When someone says “keep in touch” the first thing you need to determine is, are they sincere? What does keep in touch expression mean? Sending a “keep in touch” message or quote to your loved ones and acquaintances is a very nice way of telling them that despite the fact that distance is separating you two from each other or that your busy schedules are making it difficult to have time for each other, you definitely still want them in your life. It is tough for all of us to meet regularly as we are miles apart. Thanks for the A2A. Best of luck to everyone and I hope to keep in touch in the future! KEEP in touch means you have already started the relationship. Writing letters is the best way to stay in touch with each other. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. BE in touch, KEEP in touch, GET in touch, and STAY in touch These are not all much the same meaning. The last few years in college were memorable. How is your new job? Dear Krishna, It’s been over a month since we all parted our ways. keep in touch phrase. Sometimes distances can be tiring and time can be limited. Sometimes, a good “keep in touch” message isn’t just for a close friend or a family member, but it is for the professional aspect of life as well. Hillary Grey, Marketing Intern, Summer 2010. BE in touch means that you are starting out being in a kind of relationship where you have not been in touch. I just wanted to send out a personal letter to ask how you were coping with your X32 sweeper and how it’s been treating you. Sample keep in touch email . A Professional Keep In Touch Message. To: Jessie From: Michael Dackson Subject: Dear Jessie, you are a valuable client! Definition of keep in touch in the Idioms Dictionary. I hope to keep in touch with you and continue to learn from you! Subject: keep in touch. I hope to keep in touch ... Again, I am really glad that I had this experience and thank you very much for your constant help. Just keeping in touch! Basically what i want to do is, send them a mail saying it was nice talking to you on 3/3/09 or somthing and i would like to mention that i will keep in touch …