A sheep that hadn’t been sheared for years produced nearly a hundred pounds of fleece in 2015. - … 1. Share on Twitter. The American Romney fulfills these needs, and will continue to be increasingly important in both large and small commercial programs. George Romney, Mitt Romney’s father, was chairman and president of the American Motor Corporation between 1954 and 1962. The Romney is a “long-wool” breed recognized in England by 1800. But these creatures are far more nuanced than you might realise. A group of sheep is called a flock. I then spent a lot of time reading all of the books I could find on sheep at our local library. An interesting fact about Mitt Romney is that his political career started in 1961 when he participated in a constitutional convention to re-write the Michigan Constitution. A sheep’s wool never stops growing. Facts about Merino Sheep 7: John and Elizabeth Macarthur. Interestingly, in 1810, Australia had 33,818 sheep. Sheep 201. History and other interesting stuff. The following was in an email received by me and I thought it would be good to share as I did not know most of the information listed below. This is particularly true for domestic breeds of sheep. Due to human interaction, domestic Sheep have evolved to require humans to shear them. Share on Facebook. I decided pretty quickly that I wanted sheep. Their wool never sheds. Romney Sheep Facts Years ago when I dreamed of living on a farm I spent a lot of time pouring over farm related books. The Romney, formerly called the Romney Marsh sheep but generally referred to by the local farmers as the Kent, is a breed of sheep originating in England. John Macarthur (who had been sent back from Australia to England following a duel with Colonel Patterson) brought seven rams and one ewe … DIARY / George Neitz // Posted at 9:09 pm on May 29, 2012 by George Neitz. Here are 39 interesting Sheep facts. The Romney fleece is unique among all breeds of sheep in the way it combines several important traits. Female sheep are called ewes, male sheep are called rams, and the process of giving birth is called lambing. Send E-mail ... Go to Romney Sheep Breeders Society => Go to the New Zealand Romney Breeders' Association => Rouge de l'Ouest The Rouge is a medium sized breed of excellent conformation without excessive bone. 1-5 Sheep Facts 1. At maturity, Romney males weigh from 225 to 275 pounds (102-124 kg) and ewes weigh 150 to 200 pounds (68-90 kg). Here are ten reasons why sheep are such interesting animals that you’ll have to read to baa-lieve! Some interesting facts about Romney. Terminology. Here are 17 interesting facts about sheep that prove as much: Biology.