The semi-tropical and arid climate of California during the summer months (August – November) allows us to harvest and maintain these varieties. LASTLY, one “grandmother” tip to get its detox function kicking: So. Being a cactus it can survive periods without watering, although growth rate will be reduced. As an added bonus the flowers of the yellow dragonfruit are one of the biggest of any cactus species, up to 15 inches (38 cm) in diameter. We currently have 40 acres of gorgeous farm land located in Rainbow, California producing delicious California Dragon Fruit… Pitayas are native to the Americas but have become most widely cultivated by South-East Asian cultures since being introduced there via European traders. Many other varieties can have a very mild to bland flavour such as the Vietnamese Giant. ), The flesh is contained within a thin frame of the exterior skin, transparent-looking with white thread-looking fiber (but you cant feel any fibers at all), with numerous black seeds which looks like a replica of a kiwifruit. Red dragon fruit are the most common, but pink and yellow dragon fruits are known for an more sweet and unique flavor. Yellow pitaya is a tropical species and as such is unlikely to do well if grown in an environment where temperatures fall below 35 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Celsius) during Winter. Churning can be felt about 1-3 hours depending on each individual’s metabolism and soon you will be rushing to the toilet in no time! Unfortunately the fruit of the red pitaya are actually the least sweet of all the sweet pitayas, and there are two other sweeter species that I've had the fortune of tasting. Talk about the luck of our readers! You may be put off by the seeds yet they give that extra texture to the overall taste. Origin: Asian countries like Malaysia, Appearance: Yellow-skinned; white-fleshed It is highly suitable for individuals and pregnant women who experience constipation issues. One of the superfood for rich source of natural antioxidants, which minimizes cell damage that is effective at lowering risk of certain types of cancer and other diseases, preventing free radical damage that can lead to premature aging and age-related diseases. I know there are dozens of dragon fruit threads with a lot of great info but I couldn't find a thread just about flavor preference. “The plants in these orchards can easily be top-grafted over to the new sweet varieties.” The dragon fruit, or pitaya, is indigenous to South and Central America, and the name refers to the fruit of several cactus species. Avoid watering during Winter when plants are not actively growing. Further Reading Pitaya, Hylocereous undatus (Haw) - A Potential New Crop for Australia from the Archives of the Rare Fruit Council of Australia Back to Pitaya Page: Bibliography 1 Crane, Johathan H., Carlos F. Balerdi, and Ian Maguire. Hylocereus polyrhizus) which looks almost identical to the red pitaya but has deep red flesh when sliced. Yellow dragonfruit plants grow as a trailing, vine-like cactus. There are a variety of dragon fruit available. The stems can produce aerial roots anywhere along their length which helps them to anchor onto nearby trees and other surfaces as they grow. Finally, you can get these yellow diarrhea-producing dragonfruit here to purchase them individually and here for a better wholesale deal. The yellow skin/white flesh variety of dragon fruit tends to be both the smallest and the sweetest variety. In countries where pitaya are native, selections from the wild are being used. Basically, there are three types of varieties under Hylocereus genus (aka night-blooming cactus): Appearance: Red-skinned; white-fleshed Unfortunately the fruit of the red pitaya are actually the least sweet of all the sweet pitayas, and there are two other sweeter species that I've had the fortune of tasting. The Rare and Sweetest Dragonfruit: Yellow Dragonfruit/Pitahaya, Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). Dragon fruit that has white flesh and pink skin or rind is the most common variety of the fruit. The white type is more common than the … Contains three times the amount of vitamin C found in carrots, it helps to boost your body’s natural ability to get rid of heavy metals and other toxins, promote the healing of your body’s cells, and improve your ability to cope with stress. The pitaya most commonly seen in green grocers is the red-skinned, white-fleshed red pitaya (Hylocereus undatus). Happy gardening. The red-fleshed varieties contain lycopene, a natural antioxidant known to fight cancer and heart disease, and lower blood pressure. Dragonfruit contains lots of iron essential for the production of red blood cells, which is beneficial to individuals who experience anemia. Simply break a piece of stem off, place it in a dry spot for a few days to allow it to form a callous, then plant it and keep well watered. Overall, it has extremely good taste with great nutritional benefits, that’s why it so special compared to the rest. Appearance: Yellow-skinned; white-fleshed Taste: Sweetest and finest of all pitahayas. As the finest of all the dragonfruits, the yellow pitaya is well worth growing at home if you are able to find it and growing conditions where you live are suitable. Taste: Least sweet of all the sweet pitahayas. The fruit’s flavor differs when ripe and when unripe, and picking a ripe one is very difficult. The first is the Costa Rica pitaya ( Hylocereus costaricensis , syn. It got its name “dragon fruit “because of the fire-like flower that grows from the fruit. Origin: Asian countries like Malaysia, Appearance: Red-skinned; red-fleshed High dietary fiber found in the fruit helps greatly in your digestive system, allowing a quick flush of toxins accumulated in your body, lest lighten the detoxifying-workload of your primary organ, liver, and maintaining optimal health. If you hate crunchy seeds, then maybe you will want to avoid eating as you will have a hard time picking them out as they are well embedded inside the flesh.). The yellow pitaya is smaller than both of the red-skinned species and as its name suggests it has a bright yellow skin with white flesh. Pitayas are large edible cactus fruits produced by several members of the genera Hylocereus and Stenocereus, and are commonly sold under the name of dragonfruit. Because of its nutritional makeup, including antioxidants, monounsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and fiber that is vital for overall good health and beautiful skin. This is sold only as yellow dragon fruit. Dragonfruits aka Pitahayas are fruits borne from Cactus. Yellow pitayas can also be grown in containers which have been only half filled with potting mix, as they'll become large plants the pot also need to be large (around 15 gallons / 50 litres). The species epithet megalanthus means 'large flower' in Greek, a nod to the massive flowers of this plant. The white pulp of the 'Seoul Kitchen' dragon fruit is sweet and smooth in texture. 100% sweetness when riped. The yellow pitaya is smaller than both of the red-skinned species and as its name suggests it has a bright yellow skin with white flesh. There are several dragon fruit varieties, but the most common ones are white, red, and yellow. Some cultivars of yellow pitaya are self-pollinating but others require pollination by insects, in particular certain species of night-flying moth. Detoxification. Origin: Ecuador & Colombia. Here’s a quick GIF on how to get down TASTING this delicious sweet fruit: Step 2: Hold the dragonfruit vertically and sliced into half, Step 3: Spilt it open to show the glistering transaparent white flesh with black seeds within, In case you didn’t get to see it clearly, here’s how it looks like inside, Fiber-alike looking within glistening white flesh with black seeds (does it reminds you of kiwi? This variety is called Selenicereus megalanthus,and is grown primarily in South America. Pine Island Nursery notes that the 'Yellow Dragon' cultivar (Selenicereus megalanthus) is among the sweetest and tastiest of all varieties of the dragon fruit. Eat on an empty stomach in the morning when your body functions work the best and drink plenty of water. It’s rare to get one that is still fully attached to it. Therefore, we are here with one of its kind, to answer your curiosity behind this exotic fruit. Taste: Sweeter than the above mentioned Hylocereus undatus Origin: Ecuador & Colombia Health benefits 1. Colour is another way to tell the ripeness in these fruit as their skin will turn from green to yellow on ripening, although sometimes perfectly ripe fruit will still be slightly tinged with green. For pregnant ladies especially, high volume of oxygen and nutrients carried by red blood cells is needed to supply to the fetus in the womb, therefore it is highly recommended to include dragonfruit into their daily diet. All Rights Reserved. The dragon fruit flesh can be white, red or magenta, all to varying degrees, dependant upon variety. An excellent source of mono-unsaturated fats, it lowers the risks of developing heart disease and high blood pressure by decreasing bad cholesterol levels and replenishing good levels.