Or maybe it was Operation August Storm. Or maybe it was because they didn't have the resources to continue on the war. It was a classic piece of understatement. 0 0. TOKYO -- World War II ended 75 years ago, but not all countries commemorate it on the same day. why did japan surrender in ww2? Japan would endure “the unendurable and [suffer] what is unsufferable,” he said, and surrender. Many I mean many Americans say it was the atomic bomb. Magic intercepts in spring 1945 revealed instructions from the Japanese foreign ministry to its diplomats in Moscow. The first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan on August 6, 1945. The U.S.S. Lv 4. The Surrender of Japanese Forces in China, Indochina, and Formosa. Since the bomb on Hiroshima did not prompt Japan to surrender, the second one was dropped on Nagasaki on August 9. When China's war with Japan ended in 1945, Rupert Wingfield-Hayes' great-uncle was sent to Shanghai to find out what had happened to British citizens trapped there in World War Two. The announcement was broadcast to the Japanese at noon the next day, Aug. 15. He never spoke explicitly about 'surrender' or 'defeat', but simply remarked that the war 'did not turn in Japan's favour'. Source(s): japan surrender ww2: https://shortly.im/TQ27K. Missouri on Sept. 2, … What was the reason? But if that did not persuade the Japanese to surrender, the bombs that later would become available would be saved for use in support of Operation Olympic. Japanese foreign affairs minister Mamoru Shigemitsu signs the Japanese Instrument of Surrender on board USS Missouri as General Richard K. Sutherland watches, September 2, 1945. The main reason was the … Or was it all 3 possible theories. The surrender of the Empire of Japan on September 2, 1945, brought the hostilities of World War II to a close. 5 years ago. The Japanese Surrender: A Sailor’s Perspective What the end of a long war might have been like for a sailor in Tokyo Bay on Sept. 2, 1945. Yvonne. They needed to know what Soviet intentions would be following the surrender of Germany.